Pandemic and Spiritual awareness

The Covid-19 pandemic with its day by day changing strain has made the world come to a standstill with its scale and enormity. The world after Covid-19 is unlikely to return the world that was. The future of mankind will rest mostly on steps taken by the Government and us, the most intelligent animals on Earth. One must act wisely and decisively to overcome the immediate threat.

The virus has shattered lives, destroyed economies and exposed the shortcomings of our healthcare systems. It is expected to lead to permanent shifts in political and economic powers, which will be apparent in the near future. The lessons learned from the pandemic are poignant and no one is expected come out of it without losing something. Of course, no one can predict the future we can only prepare for it.

Right-to-Health would possibly be considered a fundamental right. The health care system will undergo a major transition with more funding allocated for the transformation and upgradation of the existing facilities. The mental health sector which has always been under resourced will occupy top priority. Education will take a dramatic shift from conventional classroom chalk duster method to e-learning methods. The power of the internet will be used to impart knowledge and educational content.

It will take time for the world to fall into normalcy, but we must not forget that there is always light at the end of the tunnel and in this lies the secret of the strength that spirituality offers to us. Shri Satpal Ji Maharaj has always insisted in his discourses how spirituality helps us to maintain a sound mental and physical wellbeing. He has always encouraged humanity to be spiritually aware. Spirituality has the potential to give everyone the strength to overcome the effects of disasters. It is the foundation of human existence which keeps our mind, body and soul at peace. It forms an essential ingredient of our holistic health and wellbeing. So, let us take the pledge to be spiritually aware to bring about a paradigm shift in our lives and ignite hope and confidence in the minds of people around us.